Welcome to our crazy life!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Silly Steve

And now it's time for Silly Songs With Steve-
the part of the show where Steve comes out and sings a silly song.
(In case you can't see it, the sticker reads, "Place sticker on forehead. Smile.")

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She's on the Move!

Our baby Claire has decided to use her little feet... she's walking! She's still a little hesitant, but she's learning quickly that not crawling has its benefits. She has so much fun chasing Gigi around the house!

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's a Baby!

We had our first appointment with our OB, Dr. Cowan, today. He did our first ultrasound and we got to see the little baby bean. Baby Love has already grown so much that she (he?) already looks amazingly like a baby. She had little arm and leg buds and a very strong heartbeat. All stats are great and we'll be having an ultrasound again in 4 weeks.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sweet Claire

Our little Claire gets prettier, sweeter and more fun as each day goes by.
Here are some of the newest pictures of our baby girl.

our Coppertone Baby pretending to wash her hair

fun during Mac & Cheese Night (be sure to see the noodle behind her ear!)

oooey, gooey, cheesy goodness in the hair!

I'm so pround of ME!!