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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Belly

I was inspired by a friend (who just had her 4th baby- and her first girl!) to give updates on the growing Baby Love. The stats are taken from my 12 week doctor visit- and now we are at week 14. Baby Love is in green, and for comparison, Claire's stats are in purple.
We go back at the end of the month for another visit and ultrasound.

  1. weight gain so far: 0 (lost several pounds due to morning sickness and strep throat & now I'm back up to my original weight)
  2. baby's heart rate: 167
  3. blood pressure: really low (normal for me)
  4. cravings: pizza
  1. weight gain: -2 (really bad morning sickness)
  2. heart rate: unknown
  3. blood pressure: really low (normal for me)
  4. cravings: Pei Wei

belly at 14 weeks

1 comment:

.:The McGuire's:. said...

LOVE the baby bump news :) keep 'em comin'. tell steve and the girls HI for us :)